Flow Chemistry

Flow Chemistry

Traditional batch chemistry often has drawbacks and difficulties associated with it, such as low yields of products, long reaction times, work-up challenges, and safety hazards.

With flow chemistry, the limitations of batch chemistry can be overcome. Flow chemistry is practiced by continually pumping reagent streams through a reactor system, then collecting the products at the end. The reactor systems employed by Delnova have a much greater surface area to volume ratio when compared to a traditional reaction flask or kettle. This means that products can be produced more quickly, with fewer side products, and less waste. In fact, flow chemistry allows for new synthetic possibilities that would otherwise be impossible to achieve using batch chemistry.

Whether we’re modeling a flow chemistry process for you, or producing a valuable synthetic compound, you can rely on Delnova’s expertise in flow chemistry to deliver higher yields, cleaner products, and bespoke materials, directly to you.

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